Behind The Scenes with the Honorees: Alexander Zar

Preceding the ISAIC (Industrial Sewing and Innovation Center,) Honors Event on May 2, 2024, at Bedrock’s venue: the Madison in Downtown Detroit, ISAIC is thrilled to announce the inaugural Fashioning the Future Award—an honor set to honor an individual who has contributed tirelessly to sustainable manufacturing, advocating for the workforce, and driving innovation. 
Among the notable honorees for the night, the name Alexander Zar surfaces, sparking anticipation. His journey, driven by a childhood passion for crafting, veered from the conventional path. "Since I was very young, I always loved to make things with my hands," Zar reflects, exposing his intrinsic drive to leave behind a legacy as a pioneer in bringing manufacturing back to the United States. 
Yet, the road to this point has not been without its hurdles. Zar's pivotal moment arrived when the industry shifted away from the United States. A decision to pivot to domestic production led to myriad challenges, including the daunting task of creating a supply chain from scratch. In his own words, "Establishing manufacturing domestically posed challenges in finding talented people, sourcing materials, and creating a viable supply chain." 
Navigating this intricate web of challenges, Zar became the driving force behind change. He notes, "I focused on staying in the luxury market, competing with Europe." The impact of this focus resonates in his ability to hire a workforce not at minimum wage but at a living wage, a testament to his commitment to empowering the labor force. 
In the tapestry of his journey, Zar's narrative weaves in the importance of innovation. Navigating the evolving landscape of the textile industry, he recognized the need to pivot toward newer technologies. "We need to pivot towards newer technology like 3D printing, 3D bonding, and automation," he urges, emphasizing the transformative potential of innovation in the industry. 
As Zar shares his proudest moments, he reflects: "I am proud to produce for the biggest brands globally, including LVMH and Adidas.” Being recognized as a subcontractor for domestic production marks a significant milestone, echoing the impact he has had on the community. 
The ISAIC Fashioning the Future Award nomination comes as both a surprise and an honor to Zar. Yet, he sees it as more than a personal achievement. "It is possible to do domestic production and address the lack of the footwear industry and handbags luxury manufacturing domestically," he declares. His vision extends beyond his success, emphasizing the potential for domestic production to empower local communities and reshape the industry's narrative. 
Approaching the ISAIC Honors Event, journalists find themselves on the brink of a story waiting to unfold. Alexander Zar's journey is not just about an award; it is a testament to the transformative power of sustainable manufacturing and innovation, a narrative that captivates the essence of reshaping the American textile landscape. The looming event is not just an awards ceremony; it is a celebration of an industry in transition and the visionaries leading the way. 

Please join us in celebrating Alexandar’s achievements at the The Inaugural ISAIC Honors.